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Hot Girls Need Therapy Too

Finding joy

Hot Girls Need Therapy Too

Morgan Brittani

Last night, Nicki Minaj was on live and then Megan Thee Stallion joined in. In that moment I realized it really is a “Hot Girl Summer.” Megan has given us the motivation to get out of the house, live in our truths, and do us without any worries of what anyone else may think or do about it.

I love it. I think I love the fact that I have learned more about myself this summer than any summer in my life. I have grown closer to my friends and reached a new levels of transparency/emotional honesty with everyone in my life.

On some Real Hot Girl Sh**. I realized I was asking myself the whys and answering those difficult questions. I guess this is what your early twenties are for?

I’ve even found myself at parties more than usual. I went to my first day party, club, rooftop party and more. Moral of that story, I did a lot of partying.

But while I partied I looked around me and saw broken people. Drinking, smoking and more to get rid of the pains of their day to day life. I was sitting at a kickback and had a conversation with a girl about this “Hot Girl Summer” and how I noticed some people are posting stuff with that caption to hide from the things they don’t want to face. Or to get the attention of a man. She agreed with me and shared a personal experience. And in that moment I realized “Hot Girls Need Therapy Too.”

As women [and men too], we carry so much. I love how Megan has gotten her message that we need to let go of the load and get right within. Word to both Erykah Badu and Lauryn Hill. This is a message they have been trying to get across for years.

BUT you can’t heal what you don’t reveal and you can’t truly understand generational traumas without therapy. So hot girls. Don’t use this summer to hide from the things that have hurt you in life. Instead, I am here to remind you. Hot girls need therapy too.