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About Us

who are we?

At JOYDAY, We help people understand what’s going on with their mental and better cope with their day to day. We believe everyone should feel joy, daily.

Our vision is a world where no matter the mental state, people have the tools to make it through.

Our purpose is to provide people with joy, daily.

Our mission is to help people understand what’s going on with their mental and better cope with their day to day. We do this by educating through action oriented resources and community-based experiences.

“In my teens, after experiencing panic attacks driven by anxiety— Morgan was diagnosed with clinical depression. Over the past decade, she has learned, applied and further researched ways to consistently find and cultivate joy in her life. It was an intimate conversation with a close friend, that led Morgan to create JOYDAY... “Everyday is a JOYDAY!” she exclaimed. From then on she decided to build a community where others could develop and share the same sentiment.” ⏤ Morgan Brittani, Founder & CEO of JOYDAY