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Morgan Brittani


Hello, My Name Is Depression

Depression is when a person experiences low mood and sadness intensely for a prolonged period of time – weeks, months, or even years without a distinct reason. It is a serious condition that affects your physical and mental health as well as daily life.

Loving someone with depression looks like…

Be mindful of the fact that you cannot heal or ‘fix’ the person. Not you, or even a trusted professional can fix a person with depression. You can listen to their feelings, help them find a professional who they can talk to, and encourage every small achievement on their road to recovery. However, recovery ultimately lies in the hands of the person who is depressed. The best thing you can do is provide unconditional love and support. 

Okay, now, how do I interact with them?

1) Do not underestimate the severity of depression. The risk of suicide is real. Telling them to ‘just take a deep breath’ or ‘be mindful’ may come from a good place but does little to help. Be aware that depression completely drains a person’s energy and positive outlook. Reassure them that you are there for them unconditionally.

2) Do not sugar coat or hide the issue. Try not to cover up for them, or lie on their behalf. Doing so only hinders their condition and may mean they’re less likely to seek much needed treatment.

3) Congratulate their achievements no matter how small they may seem. Perhaps they cleaned their room, made their bed, or dressed up nicely. Even these seemingly small things are incredibly difficult to a person suffering from depression, so every small step counts towards their path in recovery.

4) Remember, a person suffering from depression really needs from a loved one or friend is a person to listen. This is much, much more important than giving advice (even though it is with good intentions). Be willing to listen without judgement, and provide them with a safe space to talk about their feelings.

Depression Misnames

Lazy, Irresponsible, Weak.

Source: University of Michigan, Help Guide, Beyond Blue, Unity Point; Researcher: Devmi Epaarachchi