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Bipolar Disorder

Morgan Brittani


Hello, My Name Is Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is a chronic mental health condition that caused strong changes in mood and energy. It is contrasted with periods/episodes of euphoric sensations (mania) and extreme lows (depression). It’s important to note that Bipolar disorder presents itself in many forms, and “Bipolar Disorder” describes a group of mental health problems.

Loving someone who’s bipolar disorder can be…

difficult to manage being in the life of someone with a condition like Bipolar disorder, as it can tend to be all encompassing of the person’s life. However, it is important to keep in mind that this is a mood disorder, that is just as real of a condition such as diabetes, or heart disease; things they say are often effects of the disorder, and not representative of the person. At the same time, it is important to not dismiss their beliefs. Instead, seek to discuss with them their thinking, and calm them down with rational and objective thoughts.

Okay, now, how do I interact with them?

Remember that Bipolar disorder is just as real as a physical illness; it is not due to a weakness of the person affected. It is a treatable, yet difficult disease. 

1) Educate yourself about the unique situation and symptoms your family member, friend  or loved one is facing. The better educated you are, the more understanding and empathetic you can be. 

2) When/if you are able to, offer to help the person affected with daily tasks during their ‘episodes’. Offering to watch their kids, doing their grocery shopping or general housekeeping can go a long way. 

3) Encourage them to have a routine, and regular sleep schedule as much as possible. 

Bipolar Disorder Misnames

Multiple Personality Disorder or Split personality Disorder. These are not the same as Bipolar disorder.

Source: DBSA, Black Dog Institute; Researcher: Devmi Epaarachchi